Linux Distribution's State Of Gaming - A FOSDEM 23 Submission
This is a talk proposal for the FOSDEM 2023 edition of Distributions Devroom titled "Linux Distribution's State Of Gaming" delivered by Akashdeep Dhar, targeting GNU/Linux distribution maintainers, software developers, package maintainers, budding contributors, and GNU/Linux distribution users.

Linux Distribution's State Of Gaming
A Case Study of Fedora Workstation
Due to the constant development of GNU/Linux distributions, setting up video game environments on GNU/Linux has become easier than ever, albeit with some performance and usability drawbacks. This has been further catalyzed by the involvement of popular companies like Valve preferring to use GNU/Linux distributions as their platform of choice for their consoles. We want to delve deep into the state of gaming on these GNU/Linux distributions, using the case study of Fedora Workstation 37, and compare them with other popular operating systems using impartial benchmarking studies. Based on the comprehensive observations, we would further explore how communities can come together to build better GNU/Linux distributions (and software applications surrounding it) to cater to both, video gaming enthusiasts and developers, alike.
Who is the target audience?
- GNU/Linux distribution maintainers interested in catering to video gaming uses
- Software application developers who maintain videogaming supporting applications
- Package maintainers who help maintain distribution-specific application packages
- Budding community members wanting to start contributing to the projects
- GNU/Linux distribution users who are on the fence, about gaming on their OS
How is the target audience benefited?
- GNU/Linux distribution maintainers would be informed about the possible inclusions that can help cater to the users who play and/or develop videogames.
- Software application developers would garner visibility/attention, understand the current advantages and possible improvements, and possibly get contributors.
- Package maintainers would get to know about support applications requiring packaging and understand how they can create distribution-agnostic solutions.
- Budding community members would be informed about the upstream projects that help bring GNU/Linux videogaming forward and can use their valued contributions.
- GNU/Linux distribution users would get more information that would help them decide if they should use their operating system for videogaming or not.
- Akashdeep Dhar
- Fedora Workstation’s State of Gaming - A Case Study of Control (2019)
- Fedora Workstation’s State of Gaming - A Case Study of Far Cry 5 (2018)
- Fedora Workstation’s State of Gaming - Fedora Linux 36 Release Party
- Fedora Workstation’s State of Gaming - Nest With Fedora 2022
- NVIDIA Auto Installer for Fedora Linux
- Slide Deck
- Video recording (WebM/VP9, 85M)
- Video recording (mp4/aac, 196M)
- Chat room (web)
- Chat room (app)
- Submit feedback
Justin W. Flory reached out to Akashdeep Dhar to inquire if he could deliver the proposed talk after the absence of a speaker for an accepted talk was confirmed. On Akashdeep Dhar's consent to the same, the schedule was amended to include his previously rejected proposal in the same slot as that of the unavailable talk.